The Only Parenting Advice You’ll Ever Need
The Only Parenting Advice You’ll Ever Need
Trust me; I’ve read and been given my fair share of parenting advice. I will not sugarcoat it- My number one parenting tip is to trust yourself!
Stop googling. Stop listening to unsolicited advice. Please don’t post parenting advice questions on social media-I’ve done it, and it backfires every time. All of these venues can be helpful for certain things, of course, but they often lead to self-doubt, shame, or guilt for the way you are parenting. Every time I started searching for the perfect answer for whatever stage my baby was in, I came up short- I ended up feeling like I wasn’t a good mom or wasn’t doing the right thing. But I was!
It wasn’t until I reflected on this and all the healing work I have done that I remembered- everything you need is within you. You and your baby are connected in a way that can’t be seen online or from another person. Only you know what is best for your baby. Only you know what works for your family.
Trust me, mama- you’ve got this. You are doing a great job. Listen closely to that voice within you. That voice will tell you everything you need to know.
As long as your baby is healthy and safe, you are doing it right! Trust yourself! Go in, listen and take action from there. Let other people’s opinions fade away. Their opinions don’t matter. The only belief that matters is yours.