1. What is Mindfulness for Kids?

Mindfulness in its simplest definition means paying attention to something. It means slowing down and focusing all your attention on one thing. Mindfulness for kids is showing them how to starting noticing what is happening right now. Noticing what is happening to them and also around them. It teaches them to calm down, to deal with emotions and can make them happier.

2. What is Reiki?

Reiki is an ancient healing practice. It is one of the many types of energy healing. It is a soothing and relaxing hands on or hands off form of energy work that promotes healing and balance. Reiki for children can teach them a healthy foundation of self care and self healing.

3. What are the Reiki After Effects?

After a reiki session you may feel relaxed, calm and peaceful. Your body may feel less tension and you could feel sleepy. You may also feel energized and joyful. Reiki can feel different for different people. The most important thing to know is that reiki can not harm anyone. So feel free to practice reiki daily!

4. What is Meditation?

Meditation is a mind-body practice that can bring moments of calm, peace, self-awareness and allows people to stay connected with themselves.

5. How Can I Teach my Children Mindfulness?

You can start by modeling the behaviors you would like to teach them. Children truly mirror what they see! If they see you practicing yoga or taking a few moments to breathe, they will start to do the same. You can also begin listening to meditations with them until they are old enough to listen on their own. Those are two great places to start. You've got this!

6. Can I use these Mediations for Teaching Mindfulness in the Classroom?

YES! Please feel free to download these meditations and play them in your classrooms and at home. The meditations on this site are copyrighted which means you can not reproduce them and sell them or claim them as your own. You can use them for personal use, in the classroom or in a yoga or meditation class. I am also working on creating a book of all my meditation scripts for you to read, so stay tuned for that!