Self Healing: The Power is Within You

Self Healing: The Power is Within You

This article will show you how to tap into your natural self-healing abilities.

If you type self-healing into google, so much information will arise. It may feel a bit overwhelming. I am here to tell you that self-healing can be simple. All you need is yourself and an open mind. You can find a lot of information on Reiki and various training you “need” to heal yourself. Don’t get me wrong; I would also love to tell you all about Reiki or find you in one of my Reiki Training classes, but that is not what this article intends. It is about Self Healing at its most basic level. While Reiki is a profound practice, and I use it daily on myself and my clients, I believe everyone can heal themselves, regardless of what training they have had or not. The intention behind any practice that we engage in makes all the difference. 

Steps to creating a self-healing practice:

  1. Give yourself space. Give yourself permission to slow down and sit with yourself for a few moments or as long as time will allow. Turn off all electronics. Perhaps you have some calming music playing, or you just let silence fill the air. Give yourself space for self-healing. You don’t have to have a designated area; you can do this in your car or wherever you are when you need healing. The important part is to give yourself the space and time for self-healing. If it helps you, you can set the mood by lighting a candle or inhaling essential oils, but this isn’t necessary. You truly just need yourself!

  2. Get comfortable. You can be lying down, sitting, or in any way that you feel good. You can use pillows or blankets to get cozy if you like, but again, it is totally up to you! Trust that you know what you need.

  3. Breathe. Take a few long, slow, deep breaths. If you feel apprehensive about this step, you can try placing your hands on your lower belly and begin to breathe deeply. Focus on filling the belly and emptying the belly. Feel the expansion of your hands on your belly as you inhale and notice how the belly softens on your exhale. Breathe this way for a few rounds of breath or more if you have the time.

  4. Set an intention. What do you want to receive from this healing session? Create your intention by forming a short positive affirmation in the present tense. Examples could be, “I send healing energy to my heart,” or “I send healing energy to calm my anxious mind,” or “I send healing energy to wherever my body or mind needs it right now.” Try not to spend too much time picking the “best” intention; use what comes up naturally for you. Your intention can help to guide your session. However, setting an intention does not mean that you can not send healing energy to other parts of the body or mind. This may just be what you want to work on the most or a way to set the tone for your session.

  5. Call in your guides. You may be asking yourself- what is a guide? Guides can be different for every person. Guides can be angles, people who have passed, your intuition, the energy surrounding you, spirit animals, or whatever comes up for you. You don’t necessarily have to know who your guides are; just trust that they will come when you call them. That being said, I am willing to bet that the more you do this self-healing practice, you will start to “see” them or get a sense of who or what they are. Ultimately, this is your practice and if this doesn’t resonate with you, skip it! I find it very helpful, but everyone is different, and it is important to honor where you are at in your self-healing practice.

  6. Place your hands on your body where you need healing or where they naturally want to go. If you have physical pain, you could place your hands on that place. If you’re going to calm your mind, perhaps your hands go to your head or over your heart. Or simply use your intuition, your gut “feeling,” and just let your hands naturally gravitate to where they want to go. Again, don’t spend too much time worrying about this. Trust yourself and let your hands move on your body as needed. Alternatively, you can simply leave your hands resting on your legs or at your sides for the whole practice.

  7. Call in healing energy. You might say silently in your mind, “I am calling in healing energy to travel into my body and mind where it is needed.” This can be a great time to repeat your intention as well. Trust yourself and call in healing energy.

  8. Visualize that healing energy moving from your hands to your body or mind. See, feel and imagine the healing energy flowing. If you have trouble with this, perhaps you give the energy a color, maybe gold. See the gold energy flowing. You can visualize this in any way you would like or simply trust that it is flowing and you are receiving it now.

  9. Listen, relax and let the energy flow. Do this as long as you want. Enjoy this beautiful gift of self-healing.

  10. Thank your guides and yourself for your healing session. Give yourself gratitude for showing up for you!

This is a beautiful way to start your healing practice. You can do this anytime or anywhere because all you need is you! Trust yourself as you move into this self-healing practice. After all, everything you need is already within you! The more often you take this time for yourself, the easier it will become. You will start to feel more aware of yourself, your energy, and your surroundings. And that, my dear, can lead to a more peaceful and fulfilling life! Enjoy!


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