Meditation 101: Creating Stillness

Meditation 101: Creating Stillness

Have you asked yourself, what is meditation all about? Have you ever tried to meditate and found it difficult? Have you wondered why meditation is so good for you? If this sounds like you, keep reading! 

Let's start at the beginning. What is meditation? First, lets' talk about what meditation isn't. Meditation is not something you learn in one session but something you settle into a little more each time you practice. It is a practice that takes time. Each time you practice, you will begin to find that you settle in a little deeper. Meditation isn't just sitting in silence for 60 minutes. It can be a few minutes each day that you build upon. Meditation isn't always easy, but it is a straightforward practice. Meditation is something that everyone can participate in. Meditation is a practice of slowing down. It is slowing down the body, mind, and emotions. It is a pause in our day. Meditation can be short or long. It can be silent or guided by a voice. Meditation is about creating space for stillness. When we create space and allow ourselves to slow down, we begin to invite more mindfulness, patience, and kindness into our lives. 

Meditation is not stressful concentration on silence; meditation creates stillness and surrendering to the moment.

It is about becoming more aware of yourself and your thoughts. You are not trying to turn off your thoughts or feelings or ignore them. You are learning to become more aware of them. Meditation asks you to observe your thoughts and feelings without judgment. The more you practice, you will become more mindful during your sessions and even in daily life. This awareness can bring about understanding and positive change in your life. It is not something to be afraid of, it is a practice, and it takes time to learn how to quiet the mind. Let's give it a try right now. 

Take a moment to settle your body. Take a few deep breaths. Now, begin to become aware of your thoughts. Just notice your thoughts. Try not to judge your thoughts, and try not to become too attached to them. Just notice a thought and then let it go. Continue to notice each thought as it enters your mind and let it go. Try this practice for several minutes. There! You have done it! You are already becoming more aware and beginning your meditation practice. Remember, you aren't trying to get rid of thoughts or feelings; you are becoming aware of them and letting them go. Eventually, the more you practice, the quieter your mind will become. 

Now, let's talk about why you should start a meditation practice. How can this simple practice benefit you? Meditation reduces stress. Aren't you ready to release some of that stress? It also helps balance emotions and can even help control anxious thoughts and feelings. It improves concentration and can help give you a sense of balance and focus in your everyday life. The practice increases self-awareness. It allows you to connect with yourself to be your best self. It improves sleep. Meditation can help relax your body. The practice benefits cardiovascular and immune health because it reduces stress-causing blood pressure to drop. Meditation helps to create a more balanced and peaceful life. 

Let's set you up for success! Here are some ways to help prepare your body and mind for meditation practice. First, create a sacred space. No, you don't have to have a whole room dedicated to your practice but, find a quiet place. Limit distractions by turning off your cell phone or putting it on silent. Perhaps light a candle or two. Dim the lights, get pillows and blankets, get comfy and create a sacred space for yourself! Set the mood by diffusing essential oils; I love the Meditation and Trance blend from Kate's Magick

Second, prepare your body. Make sure you have eaten, had some water, and used the bathroom. This will help so that you don't feel the need to do anything or get up from your practice. Be sure to wear comfortable clothes and perhaps stretch or do a few minutes of Yoga so that your body can settle into your practice. Third, if you are practicing without guidance, take a few long, slow, deep breaths to allow yourself to focus on your body and your breath. Or check out this guided meditation for Relaxation to help get you started. Fourth, get comfortable. Take the pillows and blankets you have gotten and arrange them to support your body. You can be seated with a straight back or even lay down. Just be sure to be comfy so that your body will have no desire to move. Finally, Meditate! That's it! You are ready for your first meditation practice or have set yourself up for success to go deeper into your practice.

Remember, this is a practice. It takes time. It is natural for thoughts to flow in and out of your mind. Notice the thoughts and then let them go. Be gentle with yourself. You are already on your way to becoming more aware, more balanced, and more peaceful. Enjoy the gift of stillness and rest. You deserve it! 


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